What is Cymoxanil 20% SC?
Cymoxanil 20% SC is a systemic fungicide that contains 20%
cymoxanil as the active ingredient. It is used to control foliar diseases in various crops
such as potatoes, tomatoes, and grapes.
How does Cymoxanil 20% SC
Cymoxanil 20% SC works by inhibiting the production of spores in fungi, thus
preventing the spread of diseases. It is absorbed by the plant and translocated acropetally
to provide long-lasting protection.
What are the benefits of using Cymoxanil 20%
Cymoxanil 20% SC provides effective control of diseases such as late blight,
downy mildew, and leaf spot. It has a preventive as well as curative action, making it a
versatile solution for disease management in crops.
How should Cymoxanil 20% SC be
Cymoxanil 20% SC should be applied as a foliar spray at recommended rates
and timings. It is important to ensure thorough coverage of all plant parts, especially the
undersides of leaves where diseases tend to develop.
Are there any precautions to
take when using Cymoxanil 20% SC?
It is important to follow safety precautions when
handling Cymoxanil 20% SC, such as wearing protective gear and avoiding contact with skin or
eyes. It is also advisable to rotate with other fungicides to reduce the risk of resistance
What is the recommended dosage of Cymoxanil 20% SC?
recommended dosage of Cymoxanil 20% SC varies depending on the crop and disease being
treated. It is important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and consult with an
agronomist for customized recommendations.
How soon can I expect to see results after
using Cymoxanil 20% SC?
Cymoxanil 20% SC provides quick and visible results, with
disease symptoms starting to decrease within a few days of application. For optimal control,
it is recommended to apply the product preventively before disease onset.
Cymoxanil 20% SC be tank-mixed with other products?
Cymoxanil 20% SC can be
tank-mixed with compatible fungicides and insecticides to enhance disease control and reduce
application costs. However, it is important to conduct a compatibility test before mixing
with other products.
Is there a withdrawal period for using crops treated with
Cymoxanil 20% SC?
There is no specific withdrawal period for crops treated with
Cymoxanil 20% SC, as it has a favorable residue profile. However, it is recommended to
adhere to the pre-harvest interval specified on the product label to ensure compliance with